
Why Parents Should Discuss Pornography with Their Kids as Early as Possible
[ad_1] “The average age of exposure to pornography is 8 -11, and I wondered… why aren’t we talking about this?” -Barb Winters. Barb Winters is a pastor’s wife and parent of four adult children, one of who is a recovering...
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12 Tips To Help Transform a Grumbling Child Into a Thankful Child
[ad_1] Do you have a child that, no matter what, always seems to be complaining or grumbling? If you have a child who never seems to see the positive in things, is never satisfied, or always seems to be grumbling,...
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Unique Books for the Family that Teach Bible History in an Engaging Way
[ad_1] Champ Thornton, Ph.D., and his wife, Robben, live in Newark, Delaware, and have three children. He is the author of many books that children and families can enjoy while staying engaged and learning biblical content, more speicfically, the history of...
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6 Ways to Help Your Child Let Go and Let God & Understand Relinquishment
[ad_1] How can we help our children to learn to relinquish when the world teaches them quitting is never an option? Relinquishment means to abandon, put aside, let go, release, or cease from holding. Relinquishment is not surrendering or giving...
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Why Should Society Care about Grandparents Raising Grandchildren?
[ad_1] “It’s easier to raise a boy than fix a man.” -Rick Johnson Bestselling author and speaker Rick Johnson founded Better Dads, an organization based on the urgent need to empower men to lead and serve in their families and communities. Rick,...
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10 Ideas to Help Your Child Grasp Their True Worth & Build Self-esteem
[ad_1] How can we help our children find their identity through Christ? Today, children believe their self-worth is measured by what people say about them or by what they see and hear on social media. But it can be difficult...
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Evidence-based Findings Supporting the Connection between Spirituality and the Human Brain w/ Dr. Lisa Miller
[ad_1] “Spirituality is involved with a circuit in the brain that every single one of us has been given from day one… and we can watch through our MRI machines how the brain moves when we are knowing, feeling, and...
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How our DNA Contributes to our Ability to Experience Spirituality with Dr. Lisa Miller
[ad_1] “Science shows us that in our darkest moments, we are particularly able to break through and deepen our relationship with God.” -Dr. Lisa Miller Lisa Miller, Ph.D., is the New York Times bestselling author of The Spiritual Child: The...
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Are You Looking for Resources to Help Your Child Understand Complex Bible Stories?
[ad_1] That week, locked in the Monroe Juvenile Detention Center, Catherine gave her life to the Lord… Catherine Zoller is the author of The Rhyme and Reason series and a dynamic speaker who uses humor and truth to inspire audiences...
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How To Help Kids Grasp What the Bible Says About Godly Fear
[ad_1] The Psalms claim, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” It is in our human nature to be fearful of things, and those who don’t believe in Jesus need to fear the Lord, for they will...
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