6 Ways to Help Your Child Let Go and Let God & Understand Relinquishment


How can we help our children to learn to relinquish when the world teaches them quitting is never an option?

Relinquishment means to abandon, put aside, let go, release, or cease from holding. Relinquishment is not surrendering or giving up for no reason. To surrender means that we admit the enemy has won. When we relinquish, we are releasing to God what we cannot control and letting go for a good reason.

Children need opportunities to fulfill their desires, but with the opportunity of success comes the chance of failure. It is important to help our children learn when it is time to give up or relinquish the desire to do something. They should know when to direct their efforts toward something else and understand that relinquishment is good when we surrender to the will of God and let him take charge of our lives. Praying a prayer of relinquishment can help release the unwanted burden of giving up on something.

During this episode, Lee Ann gives tips and examples to help you teach your child about relinquishment, and how sometimes giving up is appropriate. Relinquishing some of your dreams is okay because that gives God the chance to replace them with better ones!

Prayer of Relinquishment,” by Jean Wise, is an example of a prayer of relinquishment that you can say when you are having trouble letting go of something because it didn’t serve a purpose in your life anymore.

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