Why Should Society Care about Grandparents Raising Grandchildren?


“It’s easier to raise a boy than fix a man.” -Rick Johnson

Bestselling author and speaker Rick Johnson founded Better Dads, an organization based on the urgent need to empower men to lead and serve in their families and communities. Rick, an experienced grandparent raising his grandchild, works to influence the whole family with life-changing insights for parents and grandparents on parenting, marriage, and personal growth. His newest book, When Grandparents Become Parents: How to Succeed at Raising Your Children’s Children, offers strategies and resources for seniors dealing with the difficiult situation of raising a grandchild, and details both the challenges and solutions grandparents face.

During this episode, Rick shares his incredible testimony on how he ended up raising his son’s daughter (his granddaughter) and insight from his book When Grandparents Become Parents. He elaborates on the reasons why we as a society should care about grandparents raising their grandchildren, some being the death of an adult child, parental drug addiction, an abusive living situation, incarceration, mental illness, etc., and he emphasizes the importance of creating a smooth transition for young children who have to move in with their grandparents.

“And yet, through their sacrificial service, these grandparents are acting as kinsman-redeemers for their grandchildren—keeping them out of the foster care system and giving them the best shot possible for a successful life.” -Rick Johnson

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