
10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Quitting Children’s Ministry ~ RELEVANT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
[ad_1] If you have served in children's ministry for very long, there are days that you have considered quitting.  But before you quit, whether it's from a staff role or a volunteer role, there are some questions you need to ask...
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Holy Spirit Lesson for Teaching Children About Pentecost
[ad_1] Adobe Stock #444437449 The Holy Spirit is an important part of the Trinity. But children may be confused about who the Holy Spirit is and what he does. So use this free, kid-friendly lesson to teach children about God...
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Earth Day Game for Elementary Kids: Trashy Test
[ad_1] In this Earth Day game, kids experience being polluters and cleaners as they explore what it means to care for the earth. Scripture: Jeremiah 2:6-7 You’ll need: Bible newspapers (or other scrap paper headed for the recycle bin) trash...
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3 Things You Should Be Doing Every Week in Children’s Ministry ~ RELEVANT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
[ad_1] There are a lot of things you can do in children's ministry. Programs.  Events.  Camps.   All of these are good things and can help you disciple kids.  But today let's talk about 3 things you should be doing every week...
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Simple Changes To Shift From Good to Godly Parenting
[ad_1] Do you ever feel like your parenting efforts are just falling short? Sometimes all it takes are small adjustments to make huge progress. Most Christian parents want to be the godly parent their child deserves, but they find it...
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Take Your Kids on a Prayer Walk
[ad_1] Looking for an opportunity to teach children about praying for their neighbors? Take your kids on a prayer walk around your neighborhood. Here’s how. Take Your Kids on a Prayer Walk Say: Let’s go on a silent prayer walk....
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3 Big Things Today’s Kids Are Looking For
[ad_1] I often say that today’s kids are not the same as when we were kids. Childhood has changed…drastically. But in spite of all the changes, there are three things that today’s kids are looking for. These are things that...
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Emoji Volunteer Training Event Plan for a Children’s Ministry Team
[ad_1] Use this emoji volunteer training event to get your ministry volunteers pumped for a new year of shining Jesus’ love on kids. As a children’s minister, you’ve likely invited people to serve with you and you’ve come face-to-face with...
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The Day We Got Cussed Out at Church ~ RELEVANT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
[ad_1] Yes. You read the title correctly. We recently got cussed out at church. An angry mother let us have it.  It had to do with a lost name tag. Believer it or not. Parents got upset because of some critical...
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The Power of Hands-on Sunday School Lessons
[ad_1] Adobe Stock #305786714 Interactive learning brings the Gospel message to life. Sunday school students love using their senses and bodies to interact with lessons. No matter their learning style, kids remember more when Bible messages move beyond lectures. Hands-on...
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