Michael Gungor and the Reclaiming of Our Christian Faith

This week we are talking to Michael Gungor about his spiritual journey, the interconnectedness of all things, and the reclaiming of our Christian faith. Enjoy!


MICHAEL GUNGOR: http://www.gungormusic.com

THE LITURGISTS: https://theliturgists.com

MY BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Emerging-Rubble-Stories-Shattered-Relationships/dp/B0C7T5TJD4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2B051GGV2WCSI&keywords=glenn+siepert&qid=1700157759&sprefix=glenn+%2Caps%2C399&sr=8-1

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SPECIAL MUSIC: Cushy (Artist) / Go Time! (Song Name) / courtesy of epidemicsound.com


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