Make These Seasonal Sensory Boxes


fall craft

Need a creative fall craft for preschool children? Then check out this neat idea! Help kids make “feely fabric boxes” from sensory scraps such as cotton balls, feathers, felt, fake fur, and burlap.

Young children will enjoy making this tactile fall craft (with a bit of adult help, if needed). Then the sensory box will provide hours of learning and entertainment. Send the boxes home with preschool children so they can show family members what they made and learned.

Preschool Fall Craft


  • tacky craft glue
  • ribbon
  • lace
  • rickrack
  • small boxes (1 per child)
  • various nature items (leaves, pine cones, twigs, flowers, grass, pebbles, sand)


Give each child an empty box for this preschool fall craft. Then take children on a nature walk and invite them to collect items to fill their autumn boxes. Suggest items such as leaves, twigs, flowers, sand, pine cones, grass, and pebbles.

Set out glue and bits of ribbon, lace, and rickrack. Have kids glue ribbon, lace, rickrack, and a few of their nature items to the outside of their boxes.

Invite children to place the extra nature items inside their boxes. Talk about how the different items look and feel.


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