Published: August 21, 2023
Use Colossians 3:23-24 to talk about how God values the work that we do. This elementary children’s ministry activity is a fun addition to your Labor Day celebration.
Labor Day Elementary Classroom Activity: All Dressed Up
For Labor Day, have each elementary child in your class bring or wear something to show what either parent’s occupation is. For example, a construction worker could send a hard hat, an accountant could send a calculator, or a teacher could send a ruler or textbook, or a nurse could send a stethoscope.
Take a moment to explain what Labor Day is and why we celebrate the holiday. Then, one at a time, have children show their objects and explain what their parents do. After everyone has had a turn, pray and thank God for his faithful provision through the children’s parents’ jobs. Ask God to help children’s parents serve him well in their jobs.
Take time to celebrate the variety of jobs among parents and make each child realize that all jobs are important!
Linda Minor
Fulton, Kansas
Looking for more Labor Day ideas for preschoolers, elementary kids, and preteens? Check out these posts! And for even more ideas and daily posts of inspiration, follow us on Facebook!
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