
Teaching Children the Path of Discipleship
[ad_1] Adobe Stock #362409327 Guiding little disciples on the faith journey is a privilege. It’s also a huge responsibility. God uses parents, pastors, and children’s ministry workers to point children to him. By introducing kids to Jesus and God’s Word,...
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Summer Snack for All Ages: Sandy Cups
[ad_1] In this summer snack, kids enjoy a “desert” snack as they discover that God is with us everywhere. Bible Story: Joseph is imprisoned. (Genesis 39–40) Bible Verse: “For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua...
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[ad_1] The big question - should kids have phones or not?One side would say, "Yes. It's the world we live in now. If they don't have a phone, it could cause them fall behind in the digital world we find...
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Jesus Turns Water Into Wine Sunday School Lesson Ideas
[ad_1] Screengrab Youtube @Faith Fillers Jesus turns water into wine Sunday school lesson ideas teach children about Jesus’ first miracle on earth. When you’re teaching kids what Jesus did at the Wedding at Cana, object lessons are a plus. That...
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The Latest Brands the Next Generation Loves the Most ~ RELEVANT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
[ad_1] I often talk about the fact that you and I are missionaries to kids. A missionary studies and learns the language of the people he or she is trying to reach.  The missionary also learns as much as he or...
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4th of July Sunday School Lessons: 7 Independence Day Activities
[ad_1] Adobe Stock #101486633 News flash: 4th of July Sunday school lessons make learning a blast! If you’re looking for quick, easy Independence Day activities for classes or children’s church, keep reading. Let us set you free from uninspired ideas....
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10 Things I Learned From Kids Last Week ~ RELEVANT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
[ad_1] Last week, I learned a lot about our children's ministry.  Where did I get this valuable information?  By talking directly to the kids in our ministry.  At least twice a year, I host a kids' focus group.  I invite...
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10 Ways To Connect With Today’s Kids
[ad_1] Adobestock #522135674 “Today’s kids are not yesterday’s kids. If we are going to reach today’s kids, we must understand them.” This means we should learn as much as we can about today’s kids and their families. As we enter...
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Simple No-Prep Activity: Unwelcome Home!
[ad_1] When you have extra time in your lesson, consider using this simple, no-prep activity where kids play a version of Capture the Flag and learn how Jesus loves us no matter what. This game helps kids explore Luke 15:11-32...
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The Girl With Dozens of Scars ~ RELEVANT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
[ad_1] There is a store that I go in most weeks.  The first time I went there and bought something was a few months ago.  When I went to check out, there was a young lady who was the cashier. As I...
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