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Todays Verse of The Day – Daily Bible Verses Philippians 4:6 #Shorts
Todays Verse of The Day - Daily Bible Verses Philippians 4:6 #Shorts Daily Bible Verse,verse of the day,today's verse,bible verse of the day,todays verse,morning scripture,morning scriptures to start your day,good morning bible,bible verse of the day, christian,Bible,Verse,Prayer,Prayers,Bible Verse,Today's Verse,Todays Verse,Verse...
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Children’s and Youth Leaders: It’s Not a Competition
[ad_1] It’s one of the most common mistakes I see churches make. The “problem” is always the same—we don’t have enough young people, we want to attract young families, we need to bring in more kids and teens. And the...
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5+ Ways to Guide Children to Diffuse and Resolve Problems
[ad_1] James 1:5 states, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” Sometimes kids can figure things out on their own. Other times,...
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What Was Normal Life Like During Biblical Times | Living In The Time Of Jesus | Odyssey
When we think of Ancient Israel, perhaps the first thing that comes up is the stories from religious texts. However, what was it actually like to live there? How did ordinary people survive during the time of Jesus? Odyssey is...
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Elementary Object Lesson: God or Science?
[ad_1] Science Points to God! It seems like now more than ever, our world pits God against science. People often weaponize science, using it to attempt to disprove the existence of God. This can leave kids in the middle wondering—can...
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A Prayer for Contagious Faith – Your Daily Prayer
[ad_1] A Prayer for Contagious FaithBy Kristine Brown“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 NLTI stood before a room full of high school biology students. I attempted...
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How Family Worship Time Can Transform Entire Families for Generations
[ad_1] “We started coming together as a family for a few minutes of prayer and a few minutes of spending time in God’s word, and that family worship time has transformed our family and generations of our family.” Rob Rienow...
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The Best PSALMS Bible Verses | Peaceful Reading For Sleep Or Study
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word SUBSCRIBE to Grace for Purpose for more! © 2020 Grace for Purpose Prayers source
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John 7–10 – Teaching Children the Gospel
[ad_1] Keeping the commandments will help me know they are true. (Younger Children) John 7 New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “John 7” During the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, Jesus explained how anyone could know for themselves that the...
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How to Encourage Kids to Be Thankful & Grateful Everyday Using Simple Techniques
[ad_1] “I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” -Psalm 86:12 There is a strong connection between the words thankful, grateful, grace, and mercy. However, even though the...
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