How Family Worship Time Can Transform Entire Families for Generations


“We started coming together as a family for a few minutes of prayer and a few minutes of spending time in God’s word, and that family worship time has transformed our family and generations of our family.” Rob Rienow

Rob Rienow has partnered with his loving wife, Amy, to help their seven children follow Jesus. Together they founded Visionary Family Ministries, an organization that encourages families and trains church leaders to impress the hearts of children to love and serve God. Rob is the author of several books, including Visionary Parenting, Healing Family Relationships, and Visionary Church.

After being a youth pastor for ten years and passing his faith to other children and families, Rob had a turning point where he realized he was not passing his faith to his own children and his own family. During this episode, he talks about what triggered this turning point, specifically the scriptures that opened his heart to visionary parenting, which is the understanding that God has given us our children for an ultimate purpose to do everything we possibly can to help them love and follow Jesus forever.

“If our children follow Jesus, they can lead our unborn grandchildren to follow Jesus,” Rob emphasizes.

Family worship time can help influence future generations! Rob draws his inspiration from these passages:
  • “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength… Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” -Deuteronomy 6:5-8
  • “Teach even to the children yet to be born.” -Psalm 78:6,

Rob’s resources and social media: website, podcast, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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