30 Printable LDS Christmas Quotes for Church & Home


Christmas time is such a special time of year! Not only is it a time for gift giving and receiving, family time, and celebration, but it’s also a time to remember the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. We tend to get caught up in modern-day Christmas traditions and forget about the true meaning of Christmas. This list of printable LDS Christmas quotes is great at helping us return our focus to Christ and His essential role in our lives. 

This list of quotes is also available as printables! They are excellent for passing out at church, printing and displaying at home or during Christmas parties, and so much more! 

All of the quotes in this article are available as printables! These printable LDS quotes are great for handing out at church, to neighbors with neighbor gifts, or as Christmas decor around the house. 

Top 30 LDS Christmas Quotes to Share This Holiday Season

1. “Because He came, there is meaning to our mortal existence.” – Thomas S. Monson

2. “The Savior’s life was the perfect example of love and goodwill towards men… As we turn our hearts outward like the Savior did, I promise that we can better experience the meaning of Christmas.” – Ulisses Soares

3. “When we keep the spirit of Christmas we keep the spirit of Christ for the Christmas spirit is the Christ spirit.” – Thomas S. Monson

4. “Let us focus on four gifts Jesus Christ gave to all who are willing to receive them. First, He gave you and me an unlimited capacity to love. A second gift the Savior offers you is the ability to forgive. A third gift from the Savior is that of repentance. A fourth gift from our Savior is actually a promise–a promise of live everlasting.” – Russell M. Nelson

5. “May the beautiful lights of every Christmas season remind us of Him who is the source of all light.” – David A. Bednar

printable lds christmas quotes

6. “In these precious moments, we realize what we feel and know in our heart– that Christmas is really about Christ.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

7. “When we see the star, may we remember the light of Christ, which gives life and light to all things.” – Bonnie L. Oscarson

8. “It is only fitting that we– like the wisemen, shepherds, and angels–take time to rejoice and celebrate that glorious first Christmas Day.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

9. “Giving, not getting, brings to full bloom the Christmas spirit.” – Thomas S. Monson

10. “Christmas is a time to remember that we are all children of a Father in Heaven, who gave his Only Begotten Son that all would be redeemed from death, and who has offered the blessings of salvation and exaltation to all mankind on the same conditions.” – Dallin H. Oaks

11. “Like the wise men, we can give gifts of love and peace as disciples of the risen Lord.” – Henry B. Erying

12. “We persist in observing Christmas… as a celebration of the birth of the Son of God.” – Dallin H. Oaks

13. “The glitter of the season should never dim our sight and prevent us from truly seeing the prince of peach in His majesty.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

14.  “Christmas season is a time to reflect and act upon the blessings and opportunities we have because of the birth, life, Atonement, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” – Jose A. Teixeira

15. “Jesus Christ was and is our first and forever gift of Christmas.” – Bonnie H. Cordon

16. “The angels had declared His coming and His noble mission. After the struggle and the uncertainty, for the righteous, in the end, all is well.” – Neil L. Andersen

17. “Jesus Christ was born to bless all humankind, past, present, and future.” – Russell M. Nelson

18. “Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus.” – Neal A. Maxwell

19. “The sweetest gift given at Christmas will always be the one our Savior Himself gave us: His perfect peace.” – L. Whitney Clayton

20. “This Christmas, ask your Heavenly Father for the spiritual gift of knowing of the living reality of the Savior of the world.” – Dale G. Renlund

21. “Some of the very best gifts are gifts of our time and talents. I believe such gifts are holy gifts.” – Michelle D. Craig

22. “This Christmas and throughout the year, our kind deeds and good works are the best indication of our love for the Savior written in our hearts.” – Gary E. Stevenson

23. “There is no better time than now, this very Christmas season, for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the principles taught by Jesus the Christ.” – Thomas S. Monson

24. “Through all of our various Christmas traditions, I hope that we are focused first upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Wise men still adore Him.” – Russell M. Nelson

25. “Christmas means giving. The Father gave His Son, and the Son gave His life. ‘Without giving there is no true Christmas, and without sacrifice there is no true worship.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

26. “Without Christ there would be no Christmas, and without Christ there can be no fulness of joy.” – Ezra Taft Benson

27. “Christmas reminds us of the great sacrifice that Jesus made for all mankind, and the eternal hope that His birth brings.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

28. “The spirit of Christmas is Christlike love.” – Bonnie L. Oscarson

29. “We miss something if we don’t see Christmas through a child’s eyes.” – Rosemary M. Wixom

30. “We don’t need to travel to the Holy Land to make a difference or to draw closer to our Savior. Christmas is a time when we can focus on our personal gift to the Savior by continually loving and helping others.” – Terence M. Vinson

Don’t forget to check out our printable cards for all of the quotes above

printable lds christmas quotes

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Final Thoughts On These LDS Christmas Quotes

We hope you enjoyed these Christmas quotes as much as we did! They are so wonderful at helping us remember the importance of the Christmas season. We should all make it a goal to focus on Christ more this year during the Holidays. Be sure to share this list of quotes with your friends and family so they can feel the spirit and enjoy them as well! 


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