Need inspirational Christian quotes about parenting? Here’s a valuable collection of insights about parents as Godly teachers.
We hear it all the time. Millennials are leaving the church; three common traits of youth who don’t leave the church; what the church can do to keep kids from leaving. The list goes on and on. As a church, we’re always concerned about raising up the next generation of Christ-followers.
But most training doesn’t start inside the church walls. It starts at home, with parents as teachers. I can’t tell you how many times a parent has told my husband and me how desperately they want their kids to be in the church following Jesus and understanding the Bible. I mean, that’s what most parents want. But the real kicker? The number of parents who express these desires yet have no relationship with God themselves.
Maybe their kids are asking questions or wondering what God is all about. But instead of making church and Christianity a way of life, they pawn their kids off on someone else.
Parents: God trusted you with these little human beings for a reason. He’s trusting that you’ll raise them into Godly children to find Him.
Your role as a parent? You’re a teacher. May these 20 quotes about parents be just the inspiration you need in raising up Godly children.
20 Christian Quotes About Parenting
1. “You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, training them up in God’s fear, minding the house, and making your household a church for God as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of Hosts.” Charles H. Spurgeon
2. “The goal of parenting isn’t to create perfect kids. It’s to point our kids to the perfect God.” Lindsey Bell
3. “Some of your children’s rebellion against your spiritual lifestyle might be a necessary step in their finding an authentic relationship with God. But beware: If they find it, it might look quite different from what you’ve always thought it should be.” Tim Kimmel
4. “The highest privilege and purpose as a parent is to lead the child in the way of Christ.” Max Lucado
5. “Our goal in parenting is not ultimately for our kids to get a great education or be great athletes or to find a great husband or get a great career. Our goal is for them to love a great God.” David Platt
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