There is no shortage of curriculum resources available for churches to choose from for their Children’s Ministries – many of which are well written, so what makes Deeper In for Children the curriculum for your church? It is designed to do some unique things . . .
- Each week children research a portion of the day’s Bible lesson in their small group, prepare props and then during large group they share their Bible verses and props as they answer questions about what they learned. Children actually get to help teach the Bible lesson each week! Studies show we remember 95% of what we teach others, so engaging children in this way helps them actually learn!
- There is an intentional focus each week on talking with the children about how what they learned makes a real difference in their every day lives – it is about more than head knowledge!
- Children are led each week in praying Scripture back to God! If we truly want children to grow to be people who actually walk with God, helping them learn to pray is essential. Learning to pray Scripture back to God is something which will “stick” with them throughout their lives!
- Each week’s lesson includes an optional second service lesson which builds on the lesson for the morning. IF your church does not have a second service for children, you may add it to your Sunday School, or use it during your mid-week to continue to build on the same lesson for the week!
- The cost is just $50 a quarter for an entire quarter of curriculum resources for all ages!
- If you use Deeper In for Children to teach the “whats” (what the Bible says and therefore what we believe), you will also receive Anchored for free to help you teach the “whys” (why we are able to believe what we believe)!
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