Use Anchored to Hand Down Confident Faith Which Lasts


If you have been reading my posts about Anchored, you know about the Barna studies which show how so many of our children and grandchildren are turning away from their faith and to atheism and the most recent Gallup Poll which shows only 20% of Americans believe the Bible is true. We do not have to just sit back and accept these things – especially as they impact our children. We are able to do something about it. We are able to hand down confident faith – doing this involves teaching the children we love both the “whats” – what the Bible says and therefore what we believe – and teaching them the “whys” – why we are able to believe what we believe.

Most churches and many families do at least a decent job of teaching the “whats”, but few, if any, teach the “whys”. Josh McDowell says, “Belief is knowing what we believe. Conviction is knowing why we believe it.” He is right. If we want the ones we love to have conviction in regards to their faith, we must teach them the “whys” – and there are many, solid reasons why!

This is why I wrote a new curriculum supplement which will equip churches and families to work together to teach the children they love the “whys”. This curriculum is called “Anchored” and is one churches will use with the curriculum they are already using. They will take just a few minutes in large group time each Sunday to introduce another of the “whys”, and then spend another few minutes in small group time to teach more about the weekly “why”. 

During the week families will spend time in their homes learning the “whys” while they talk and engage in meaningful, engaging, and fun activities. Anchored will help churches/parents/grandparents team up to teach the “whys” so the children they love know what they believe and why they are able to believe it!

Anchored is easy to use, engaging, and memorable. It will help you and parents/grandparents hand down confident faith. We are able to help the children in our ministries and families grow up so they are able to “give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. – but for this to happen, we must teach it. When we do, they will know the doctrine they have been taught is sound and they will be able to stand firmly with a confident faith!

Check out Anchored. It provides the tools you need to teach the “whys”! You will find samples at this link and are able to order it in the bookstore at this link. Please share the information with the leaders in your church and with friends/family who attend different churches. Anchored will not replace the curriculum your church is using to teach the “whats”, it will just equip them to also teach the “whys” – and equip the parents and grandparents to do the same! When we do this, we will be able to hand down confident faith which lasts to the children we all love!

#handdownconfidentfaith #anchored #teachthewhys


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