Understanding the Cardinal Points & Teaching Children 8 Christlike Characteristics for Easter


Who were the “Easter people” in the Bible?

The cardinal points listed in the Bible (Acts 2:42) are four practices that made the early community of followers of Jesus who they were. These people were Jesus followers called “Easter people.” They were people who lived a completely new experience under the authority of God.

As they began worshiping God, they traveled in different directions, giving us the four points, which were adherence to the apostles’ teaching (North), commonality (East), breaking of bread (South), and prayer (West).

Lee Ann elaborates on these eight characteristics to teach children during Easter: discipline (Proverbs 29:17), respect/honor (Romans 12:10), responsibility (Colossians 2:23-24), gratitude (James 1:17), kindness (Proverbs 16:24), mercy (James 2:13), honesty/integrity (Proverbs 28:13 & Proverbs 11:3), and patience (Proverbs 14:29 & Matthew 20:16).


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