Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today’s Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I30.11.2023
ENGLISH VERSION: Today’s Bible Verse (30.11.2023):
Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. (PSALM 60:12 KJV)
I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us meditate on the promise from Psalm 60:12. “Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.”
“I will bless everything you do and make you successful,” the Lord has promised. So whatever you do, do it with courage and get special education. Focus on your work. Hear God’s word and obey it and He will bless you.
Jesus will set you free from all the problems that the devil brings against you. In the book of Joshua the people marched around Fort Jericho with praise and rejoicing. God heard their praise and worship and gave them victory by destroying the Jericho fortress. (Joshua 6:1-21).
Also, as we read the life of Joseph, he was hated by all his brothers. Joseph passed through the path of shame. He found favor in God’s eyes. God blessed everything he did and gave him success (Genesis 39:2-3). One day he was elevated to the rank of king in Egypt.
Yes, the Lord will do everything for you. Believe him. Our lives will be blessed when He lifts us up. ‘He hath made everything fair in its season’ (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Likewise, the Lord will destroy all the problems that the devil brings against you and give you success in all that you do. The Holy Spirit will always be with you and guide you. You don’t wander off. God will surely fulfill the plans He has in your life. No matter what situation you are going through, stay in the Lord and obey His commandments. Then He will bless you and your family as He blessed Joseph. Be a faithful witness to God’s miracles in your life.
The enemy, the devil, and some men who are his servants are trying to devour us day by day in this worldly life. ‘…for your adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour’ (1 Peter 5:8). But the Lord is able to stand against the enemy, the devil, and our enemies, and save us.
David said, ‘You prepare a banquet for me before my enemies and anoint my head with oil; My vessel overflows’ (Psalm 23:5). Yes! The Lord will not give you over to the will of your enemies (Psalm 41:2). So, no matter what struggles surround you, do not fear anything. Even if the enemy comes like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise a banner against him (Isaiah 59:19). Therefore, beloved, take courage in the Lord. Pour out all your fears in the community of God. He will strengthen you. He will give divine grace to defeat the enemy.
We read in 1 Samuel 17 that a nine-foot giant named Goliath from Gath rose up from the Philistine armies and taunted the Israelite armies for forty days morning and evening.
Beloved, you can overcome enemies like curses, diseases, shortages, shame and temptations, the devil. ‘Let us do mighty things by God; He will trample down our enemies.’ (Psalm 60:12) When we fully trust in God, He will make our lives meaningful. So lay hold of the precious promises that are pebbles in the hand of Jesus Christ. Your path to victory has already been purchased with His precious blood. God will crush your enemies.
Heavenly Father of love ! As promised for this day, help me defeat my enemies. I believe in Your Mighty Name. I pray claiming your promises. I praise and worship You. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Help you live a life you love. God, I believe that Your purpose and plan will be fulfilled in my life. May I be successful in all my endeavors. Bless me and my family. Strengthens me in all that I do. Because without you I can do nothing. Today, it helps me to inherit success in every area of my life. I pray in Jesus name Good Father, Amen.
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