Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today’s Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I28.11.2023
ENGLISH VERSION: Today’s Bible Verse (28.11.2023):
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. (PSALM 32:8 KJV)
I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Do you need someone who can give you wise advice? Only the Lord Jesus Christ can guide you on the right path. “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. ” (Psalm 32:8) The Lord has promised you. According to this scripture, He reveals to you that you are constantly under God’s gaze.
What a wonderful promise this is. The Lord says four things. I will teach you, I will guide you, I will keep my eye on you, I will counsel you. Our Lord is our teacher. That teaching is eternal teaching. A teaching that teaches us forever. Because of that teaching we actually live as overcomers. We inherit the kingdom of heaven forever.
Once upon a time a couple travelled in their own plane. The husband drove the plane. He suddenly had a heart attack. He just died. His wife doesn’t even know how to fly. So they were at a loss as to what to do.
Suddenly they pressed the radio communication device to the flight guidance station at the airport. From there, a voice rang out. “Would you like help?” They said “yes” and explained the situation.
The man continued, “Press the machine at this place. Turn on this switch. Put your foot in this place.” And they did everything as he said. The plane landed safely at the airport.
Yes, even the Lord Jesus Christ guides you daily by talking to you. “Go this way! Don’t go that way! Do this! Don’t do it! Be careful with that man. The devil comes to test you.” That will guide you. This is what the scriptures say, “When you turn to the right and when you turn to the left, your ears will hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way, plant in it.'” (Isaiah 30:21) There is a Lord in whom you can fully trust. Whatever your situation, He will guide you wisely, safely and successfully.
A man is taught by his parents in childhood. Schools and art galleries teach lot of things. Family members and friends teach. Life experiences and stories teach. These teachings are not completed in a few minutes. These teachings continue for many years. Man enjoys the fruit of this teaching for a very long time. No matter how much we are taught, it is very important that we continue to be taught by God until the end!
The Lord teaches and guides us beautifully when we humble ourselves like little Samuel and say, ‘Lord, I hear my servant’ (1 Samuel 3:10). We should always wait for the Lord’s words with eagerness and longing. Father, show me your way, Lord. Let your light shine upon my paths. Surely the Lord will show us His way when we ask Him to show me the way I should walk. “He judgeth the meek, and teacheth the meek his way.” We read that in Psalm 25:9.
Isaiah penned his experience with us. Read Isaiah 50:4. “The Lord God has given me the tongue of a learner, that I may know how to speak to him who is weary; he wakes me up every morning; he makes my ears attentive so that I may hear like those who learn.”
Every morning the Lord descends and walks among us. He travels with us. Such was the experience of Jesus Christ. He went into the wilderness every morning and waited for his Father’s counsel. Beloved, if you want to live victoriously in this terrible world, you must wait daily for God’s counsels.
Let us surrender our lives to Jesus and pray. “Early in the morning let me hear your grace, I trust in you, show me the way I should walk; I lift up my soul to you.” (Psalm 143:8). Turn your heart straight to this divine guidance. Nothing can separate you from God’s counsel.
Father of love! The problems around me are always bothering me. Forgive me for straying from Your precious guidance. Grant me obedience that I may hearken unto Thy words. Open my heart, eyes and ears to hear your voice and your counsels. Consecrate me to always walk in your way. Show me prosperous ways. I pray in Jesus name Good Father, Amen!
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