Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today’s Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I26.04.2023
ENGLISH VERSION: Today’s Bible Verse (26.04.2023):
A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved. (PROVERBS 12:3 KJV)
I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, Let us meditate on the verse from Proverbs 12:3. “A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.”
Look at the tree! It has visible parts. There are invisible parts too. You see leaves on the tree. You are happy to see fruits and flowers. You are happy eating fruits. But you ignore its unseen roots. The root brings all the nutrients a tree needs. Gives water to the leaves. It imparts the desired flavors to the fruit. A tree can stand only by its roots.
Roots not only provide food to the tree but also provide protection and stability. While the branches of a tree sway to and fro in a great storm, it is the roots that stabilize the tree. If the roots are not deep enough, the tree will fall. The wise man says that the root of the righteous cannot be moved (Proverbs 12:3). The inner depths of the righteous are united with the Holy Spirit. That’s why it’s solid.
Beloved, just like the trees, there is a part of your life that people can see. There is also a private part that should not be seen. If you are in contact with Jesus in your private life and are engaged in a deep prayer life, you will never be shaken. Whether the tempest of adversity blows or the whirlwind of trouble blows, if your prayer life is steadfast, you will be immovable in the spiritual life.
If prayer is lacking in your life, you will be like a tree that falls due to lack of root in the storm. The cause of many fallen believers and fallen ministers is their lack of prayer. The secret of a tree bearing abundant fruit and delicious fruit lies in its roots.
The scriptures also reveal another deep mystery about the root. “…if the root be holy, so are the branches.” (Romans 11:16). In this, the root part represents human thoughts and ideas. Words come through the tongue from the root thought. The soul thinks. Lips speak. If the thought is pure, the words will be pure. Actions will also be pure. Beloved, let your words and deeds be holy. You too will become a blessing to many people.
Lord ! Thank you Lord for the verse you gave today. May I also walk righteously in life and bear fruit for you from generation to generation and receive your abundant blessings. Connecting with you in my private life will help me engage in a deeper prayer life. It will strengthen my prayer life and help keep my spiritual life intact. May my thoughts be holy. May my words and actions be holy. I pray in the name of Jesus Good Father, Amen!
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