Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today's Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I14.05.2023

Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today’s Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I14.05.2023

ENGLISH VERSION: Today’s Bible Verse (14.05.2023):

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. (JAMES 5:15 KJV)

Let’s meditate on the promise today: “…the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” (James 5:15).

When the Lord Jesus Christ lived in this world, he was full of the Holy Spirit and went around doing good and healing everyone who was under the power of the devil (Acts 10:38).

Similarly, his disciples were also full of God’s power and lived with good deeds that did the same good to many people. Even today, our Lord bestows this same grace on God’s people who pray with faith and are filled with the Holy Spirit.

In addition, when every family has full trust in the Lord, is full of faith, filled with the Holy Spirit, and prays for one another, the Lord works miracles (James 5:16).

Yes! The Lord is walking with us. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). When we look to the Lord with faith through the Holy Spirit, the Lord is still alive today to free people from any bondage (Romans 8:11).

A faithful wife in a foreign land, instead of burying her dead husband’s body, took it to the pastor of her church. The temple worship was going on upstairs. She was praying in the lower room.

Once the pastor came and prayed for her husband in faith, she had an unshakable faith that somehow the Lord would raise him alive. Worship is over. The pastor heard and came running.

Hearing what she said, he was shocked at first. But the next moment he saw her divine faith and prayed with her. Their unceasing single-minded prayer reached heaven.

The Lord saw the woman’s faith and the servant’s faith and gave life to the man. To everyone’s surprise, he came back to life.

Yes! Just like how Jesus Christ raised the dead in the days when he was alive, even today our Lord listens to the prayers of the faithful men and women and miraculously heals them.

Beloved! Pray with full faith and trust in God. May the Lord bless you and fill you with the same color through the Holy Spirit.

Dear Savior! Through the divine power and gifts that you earned on the cross, you are still using people today and healing many people through faith. The same divine power, faith, and anointing will be fulfilled for me today. Praise be to You for hearing my prayer. Father in Jesus name, Amen!


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