Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today’s Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I11.06.2023
ENGLISH VERSION: Today’s Bible Verse (11.06.2023):
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever. (PSALM 52:8 KJV)
I greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today, we are going to meditate on Psalm 52:8 which says, “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.” Accordingly, you are called to flourish like a green olive tree.
When will this flourishing happen in your life? ‘When you trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.’ Proverbs 28:25 says, “he who trusts in the Lord will be prospered.” Psalm 32:10 also says, “he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him.” That is why David chose to trust the Lord and worship Him every time, as he writes in Psalm 59:16, “I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning.” When you look to the Lord early in the morning, you will be surrounded by His mercy.
In fact, it is the duty of every believer to rise up early and seek God’s face. In Mark 1:35, we see that the Lord Jesus arose early in the morning even while it was dark and went to a solitary place to seek His Father’s face. Hence, we, His children, also ought to follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When you seek the Lord early in the morning, you will prosper in everything you do for that entire day – be it in wisdom, in holiness, in showing love to people, etc.,. In everything you will see prosperity!
Beloved, today examine your life. Are you trusting God enough? Are you spending time with Him in the early hours? Those who wait on the Lord early in the morning will be blessed like the Lord Jesus. David was blessed in his life because as he says in Psalm 63:1, David never failed to seek the Lord in the mornings no matter his circumstances.
So, my precious child of God, seek the Lord in the morning, in the noon time and when the sun goes down. Then you will become like a green olive tree, flourishing in the house of God.
Precious Heavenly Father !
Thank You for Your wonderful promise. Lord, have mercy on me. Grant me the grace to seek Your face early in the morning. Fill me with Your Spirit of prayer and supplication so that I will be connected with You always. Surround me with Your unfailing grace and mercy. Lord, I desire to flourish like an olive tree in Your loving presence. Bless me and make me prosper in everything I say and do. Let Your name alone be glorified. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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