Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today's Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I10.03.2023

Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today’s Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I10.03.2023

ENGLISH VERSION: Today’s Bible Verse (10.03.2023):

Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great. (PSALM 18:35 KJV)

“Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation; thy right hand upholdeth me; thy mercy shall make me great.” (Psalm 18:35) The Lord has promised today.

Here David says that God is responsible for everything. He says that his protection and strength are from God. He firmly believes that he was able to defeat the enemies and conquer foreign countries only with God’s salvation, help and mercy.

Thus, David gives all the glory to God alone. David was an ordinary shepherd boy who never wanted to grow up. But God chose him to be king. God’s right hand exalted him to be king over Israel. Having inherited God’s salvation, he was always secure and confident.

All through his life, only the saving hand of God protected him. “Lord, you will bless the righteous and surround him with the shield of my mercy” (Psalm 5:12) he says.

Beloved, like David, we must always be careful to give all things due and all glory to God alone. That’s why Paul said, “We are not worthy of ourselves to think that we can do anything; ours is of God” (2 Corinthians 3:5) says.

The Lord will be your shield and lift you up to great heights, making you trust in the shield of his salvation. Beloved, you have been blessed by God’s grace, inquiry and protection. May the strong hand of the Lord rest upon you and make you great.

Supreme Father! I praise You for Your wonderful promise. I thank you for being so kind to me and caring about my life. Lord, I commit my life into your hands. Grant me the grace to trust in your salvation and enjoy the protection of your salvation. Lord, all the possessions and blessings I have come from you. Thank you for being everything in my life. Surround me with Your favor and bless the labors of my hands. Grace will make me bear fruit and be elevated to high places. I pray in Jesus name Good Father, Amen.


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