Published: January 29, 2024
In this lesson, preschoolers explore the fruit of the Spirit and discover how the Holy Spirit helps us.
The Holy Spirit Helps Us
You’ll need:
Hold up a Bible.
Say: Today we’re going to hear some things a man named Paul wrote in the Bible. Paul told people that the Holy Spirit would help good things grow in their lives, like fruit grows on a tree! But Paul’s not talking about growing things like apples or oranges. God gave us his Holy Spirit to encourage us to do things God’s way. The Holy Spirit helps us.
Growing Love and Joy
Let’s see what Paul meant by these things growing in our lives.
Read aloud Galatians 5:22-23.
The Holy Spirit can grow love in our lives. That means we’ll treat others with love!
- Who are some people who love you?
- How can you tell they love you?
Say: Let’s give ourselves a little hug to remember how good it feels when people love us! Allow time for everyone to give themselves a little squeeze.
Hmmm, I wonder what other things the Holy Spirit helps us with. Let’s find out.
Read aloud Galatians 5:22-23 again.
Say: Joy is like big, tickly, wonderful happiness in our hearts!
- What makes you feel joyful?
Say: Joy makes me feel like clapping! Lead kids in clapping joyfully!
Growing Gentleness and Self-Control
Say: Paul said the Holy Spirit grows other things in our hearts, too.
Read aloud Galatians 5:22-23 again.
Say: The Holy Spirit encourages us to grow gentleness in our lives.
- Who is someone you have to treat gently?
Lead kids in softly patting a friend’s back to show what gentle means.
Say: When we need to be gentle, the Holy Spirit helps us. Paul said the Holy Spirit grows other things in our hearts, too.
Read aloud Galatians 5:22-23 again.
God knows that sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing. Thinking and doing what’s right is called self-control. Wow! That’s one of the things the Holy Spirit helps us with!
Self-control means we don’t touch things we really want to touch. Or we stop before running across the street. Hop up and show me some self-control. Do what I do!
- Run in place, then say “Stop!”
- Freeze in place.
- Wave arms wildly, then say “Stop!”
- Freeze in place.
- Sit down.
Say: When we need self-control, the Holy Spirit helps us.
Free Coloring Page
You’ll need:
Say: The Holy Spirit helps us. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can grow good things in our hearts, like love, gentleness, and joy. Let’s grow some good things on this tree!
Have kids color the picture. Have each child attach fruit ring cereal “fruit” to their tree. Consider playing music in the background while preschoolers create.
This fun activity comes from Group’s Simply Loved curriculum. Looking for more lessons on the fruit of the Spirit? Check out these ideas!
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