
Psalm 93
Gods wisdom & power governs the world 1 The Lord rules. He puts on majesty as if it were clothes. The Lord puts on majesty and strength. Indeed, the world has been set in place. It is firm and secure. 2 Lord, you...
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Psalm 91
Receive Gods protection against all invisible & negative forces The person who rests in the shadow of the Most High God will be kept safe by the Mighty One. 2 I will say about the Lord, “He is my place...
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Psalm 90
Gods Protection & mercy from generation to generation A prayer of Moses, the man of God. 1 Lord, from the very beginning you have been like a home to us. 2 Before you created the whole world and the mountains were made,...
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Psalm 89
Manifold example of Gods blessing A maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite. 1 Lord, I will sing about your great love forever. For all time to come, I will tell how faithful you are. 2 I will tell everyone that your love stands firm forever. I...
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Psalm 88
For God’s grace & mercy during extreme suffering. For the director of music. According to mahalath leannoth. A song. A psalm of the Sons of Korah. A maskil of Heman the Ezrahite. 1 Lord, you are the God who saves me. Day and night I...
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Psalm 87
God’s foundation in the holy land of Jerusalem. A psalm of the Sons of Korah. A song. 1 The Lord has built his city on the holy mountain. 2 He loves the city of Zion more than all the other places where...
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Psalm 86
For help & deliverance from our enemies A prayer of David. 1 Lord, hear me and answer me. I am poor and needy. 2 Keep my life safe, because I am faithful to you. Save me, because I trust in you. You...
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Psalm 85
Redemption of a heavy heart in despair For the director of music. A psalm of the Sons of Korah. Lord, you showed favour to your land. You blessed the people of Jacob with great success again. 2 You forgave the evil...
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Psalm 84
Goodness and blessing that comes to those who dwell in the house of the lord For the director of music. For gittith. A psalm of the Sons of Korah. Lord who rules over all, how lovely is the place where you live! 2...
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Psalm 83
God is not silent he knows everything & will assist you in your time of despair A song. A psalm of Asaph. God, don’t keep silent. God, don’t keep quiet. Don’t be still. 2 See how your enemies are getting ready...
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