Last summer our church held a three-day service camp where kids learned to serve God by serving the church, their community, and the world. Here’s how we got kids serving in each of these areas.
Summer Service Camp: Serving the Church
On the first day of camp, kids served our church by cleaning inside and outside the facility. Campers planted flowers in pots to brighten the church’s interior entrance. Kids also wrote letters and made cards for church members who were sick, in the hospital, or going through a difficult period.
Summer Service Camp: Serving the Community
Kids created gifts and cards at the church before departing for a nearby retirement community. Once we arrived, the kids distributed their gifts and cards during the hour we spent with our elderly friends.
Summer Service Camp: Serving the World
On the third day, the kids served at a local nonprofit, HELP (His Everlasting Love Prevails) International. The organization collects items such as medical supplies and toys, packs them in large shipping containers, and sends the items around the world. We helped prepare a container that was heading to Eastern Europe. We sorted through several palettes of clothes and cleaned, fixed, and sorted more than 100 toys.
The service camp was a huge success. Kids loved the experience and learned they’re never too young to serve their church, community, and world.
Ray Tollison
Fort Collins, Colorado
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