Senior Adults Are Vital for Every Healthy Church Community


senior adults

If you know me, you know I am all about reaching the next generation. I go to churches and share with them the extreme importance of turning around and investing in the generation to come.

I was at a church in Phoenix this past weekend and reminded them that they must reach the next generation if they want to see their church thrive and grow.

But I also shared with them that a healthy family is made up of all generations. Great grandparents, grandparents, parents, teenagers, elementary children, preschoolers and babies. A healthy church will mirror this and have all generations represented.

Don’t get so focused on reaching the next generation that you forget to reach and disciple seniors as well.

Here’s why you need senior adults in your church.

1. Senior Adults Can Be Great Prayer Warriors.

Some of the greatest prayer warriors I have met are older adults. My father and mother pray daily for my family and me. Their prayers make a difference in our lives.

Do you have a prayer ministry at your church? If not, it’s time to start one. Senior adults will lead the prayer charge if you invite them to do so. Grandma’s prayers are something you need in your family and ministry.

2. Senior Adults Make Great Volunteers.

Some of the best volunteers I have ever served with have been senior adults. Many of them have been faithfully serving Jesus for decades. Challenge the senior adults in your ministry to start serving. There is no retirement from serving Jesus. Senior adults who are retired often have more free time to serve.

One of the most amazing volunteers I have ever served with is a man named Will. He came to Christ in his senior adult years and was immediately on fire for Jesus. He served many hours during the week and on weekends. I often kidded him and told him he was putting in more hours than our “paid” staff members.

3. Senior Adults Can Be Effective Mentors.

Senior adults have a great opportunity to turn and mentor the generations that are behind them. Boys who need a father figure in their life. Mothers who need advice on raising their children. Couples who need help for their marriage.

What would happen if you started a mentoring ministry and you were intentional about enlisting seniors to serve as mentors? What an impact that could have!


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