Psalm 92

Song for the sabbath day.

Do not look here or there

for the Kingdom of God is within.

A psalm. A song for the Sabbath day.

1 Lord, it is good to praise you.
Most High God, it is good to make music to honor you.

2 It is good to sing every morning about your love.
It is good to sing every night about how faithful you are.

3 I sing about it to the music of the lyre that has ten strings.
I sing about it to the music of the harp.

4 Lord, you make me glad by what you have done.
I sing with joy about the works of your hands.

5 Lord, how great are the things you do!
How wise your thoughts are!

6 Here is something a man who isn’t wise doesn’t know.
Here is what a foolish person doesn’t understand.

7 Those who are evil spring up like grass.
Those who do wrong succeed.
But they will be destroyed forever.

8 But Lord, you are honored forever.

9 Lord, your enemies will certainly die.
All those who do evil will be scattered.

10 You have made me as strong as a wild ox.
You have poured the finest olive oil on me.

11 I’ve seen my evil enemies destroyed.
I’ve heard that they have lost the battle.

12 Those who do what is right will grow like a palm tree.
They will grow strong like a cedar tree in Lebanon.

13 Their roots will be firm in the house of the Lord.
They will grow strong and healthy in the courtyards of our God.

14 When they get old, they will still bear fruit.
Like young trees they will stay fresh and strong.

15 They will say to everyone, “The Lord is honest.
He is my Rock. There is no evil in him.”

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