Psalm 28

Utter dependence on God,

he is our shield in times of danger. 

A Psalm of David.

Lord, my Rock, I call out to you.
Pay attention to me.
If you remain silent, I will die.
I will be like those who have gone down into the grave.

2 Hear my cry for your favor
when I call out to you for help.
Hear me when I lift up my hands in prayer
toward your Most Holy Room.

3 Don’t drag me away with sinners.
Don’t drag me away with those who do evil.
They speak in a friendly way to their neighbors.
But their hearts are full of hatred.

4 Pay them back for their evil actions.
Pay them back for what their hands have done.
Give them exactly what they should get.

5 They don’t care about the Lord’s mighty acts.
They don’t care about what his hands have done.
So he will tear them down.
He will never build them up again.

6 Give praise to the Lord.
He has heard my cry for his favor.

7 The Lord gives me strength. He is like a shield that keeps me safe.
My heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart jumps for joy.
I will sing and give thanks to him.

8 The Lord gives strength to his people.
He guards and saves his anointed king.

9 Save your people. Bless those who belong to you.
Be their shepherd. Take care of them forever.

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