Psalm 17

Gods protection is so powerful,

it engulfs us like

a magnetic force field.

A prayer of David

Lord, hear me when I ask you to treat me fairly.
Listen to my cry for help.
Hear my prayer.
It doesn’t come from lips that tell lies.

2 When you hand down your sentence, may it be in my favor.
May your eyes see what is right.

3 Look deep down into my heart.
Study me carefully at night.
Put me to the test.
You won’t find anything wrong.
I have made up my mind
that my mouth won’t say sinful things.

4 I don’t do the things other people do.
By obeying your word
I have kept myself from acting
like those who try to hurt others.

5 My steps have stayed on your paths.
My feet have not slipped.

6 God, I call out to you because you will answer me.
Listen to me. Hear my prayer.

7 Show the wonder of your great love.
By using your powerful right hand,
you save those who go to you for safety from their enemies.

8 Take good care of me, just as you would take care of your own eyes.
Hide me in the shadow of your wings.

9 Save me from the sinful people who attack me.
Save me from my deadly enemies who are all around me.

10 They make their hearts hard and stubborn.
Their mouths speak with pride.

11 They have tracked me down. They are all around me.
Their eyes watch for a chance to throw me to the ground.

12 They are like a hungry lion, waiting to attack.
They are like a powerful lion, hiding in the bushes.

13 Lord, rise up. Oppose them and bring them down.
With your sword, save me from those evil people.

14 Lord, by your power save me from people like that.
They belong to this world. They get their reward in this life.
You satisfy the hunger of those you love.
Their children have plenty.
And those children store up wealth for their children.

15 Because I do what is right, I will enjoy your blessing.
When I wake up, I will be satisfied because I will see you.

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