Published: August 7, 2023
Use this children’s message to teach preschoolers that Jesus understands how we feel, even when we are sad and even we cry.
You’ll need:
- a Bible
- an adult volunteer to play the role of Jesus
- Band-Aids
Preschool Children’s Message: Does Jesus Cry?
- Have any of you ever been sad? What are some things that make you sad?
Say: Let’s all pretend that we’re sad. Encourage children to make sad faces, slump their shoulders, and pretend to cry. It’s not a lot of fun to be sad. Okay, everyone can be happy again!
- When you see someone who is sad and crying, what do you do?
Say: When I see a friend who is sad or crying, I try to help.
- What are some ways we can help a friend who is upset?
Say: We can give our friend a hug. Or maybe if our friend has a skinned knee, we could give him or her a Band-Aid.
Let’s play a game. Everyone find a partner. Tell each other one thing that makes you cry. Then help that friend put one of these Band-Aids over the place where the person hurts. For example, help your friend put the Band-Aid on his or her heart if he or she cries because of something sad. Help your friend place the Band-Aid on your friend’s knee if he or she cries because of a skinned knee.
Give kids a couple of minutes to talk and to place the Band-Aids on each other, and offer help as needed.
- What was it like to help your friend?
Say: Sometimes it’s hard to know how to help a friend. But because we’ve all been sad, we know what our friend feels like. That helps us to care for our friends. I know someone who cares for you all the time and knows just how you feel when you’re sad. Did you know that Jesus has gone through sad times just like you have? That’s why he can help us when we’re sad.
Connecting to the Bible
Open your Bible to John 11:35.
Say: John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the whole Bible. It contains two words: “Jesus wept.” “Wept” is another word for “cried.” Jesus’ friend Lazarus had died and Jesus was so sad that he cried. So when you’re sad, Jesus knows just how you feel. Jesus is good at making us feel better when we’re sad.
Let’s pray. Dear Jesus, it is so wonderful to know that you understand us when we’re sad. Thank you for comforting us when we’re upset. In your name, amen.
When you look at the Band-Aid you’re wearing, remember that Jesus understands how you feel.
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