Published: February 9, 2024
In this preschool Easter craft, kids create angel megaphones to spread the good news that Jesus is alive!
Preschool Easter Craft
- yellow or white construction paper
- coffee filters
- tape
- washable markers
Say: An angel told Jesus’ friends the good news. “Jesus is alive!” Let’s make something to help us remember the good news the angel told Mary at the tomb.
Help kids each roll a piece of yellow or white construction paper to form a megaphone. Once the paper is rolled, tape it so it stays in place. Then have kids each take one coffee filter and pinch the center of it to make wings. Help kids tape the coffee-filter wings to the middle of the megaphone to create an angel.
Using markers, help kids draw faces on their angels. Then encourage kids to use their megaphones to share the good news the angel shared with Mary: Jesus is alive!
Closing Prayer
Gather kids together in a circle to pray. Instead of folding hands, have kids cup their hands together, palms facing each other and fingers touching. Go around the circle, asking kids to take turns praying out loud. Have kids open their hands and pray about one reason they’re thankful for Jesus.
Encourage children to use their cupped hands to show someone this week what they learned about the empty tomb and Jesus being alive.
This preschool Easter craft comes from The Giant Book of Preschool Ideas for Children’s Ministry. In this book, you’ll find more than 175 ideas designed to help you introduce preschoolers to Jesus and the Bible in relational, experiential, and fun ways! For even more Easter ideas, check out these posts!
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