Host a Father’s Day Picnic


Invite all families (even those without fathers) to a special Father’s Day Picnic on your church lawn or at a nearby park.

Have children make the invitations, menu, and even the lunches. Use these fun ideas.

Father’s Day Picnic Idea 1. Box Lunches

Try a box lunch theme with sandwiches, chips, fruit, and cookies. Kids can decorate the boxes (available at bakery supply warehouses), make the sandwiches, fill the boxes, and lead the way as you hike to your picnic area.

Father’s Day Picnic Idea 2. Giant Bubbles

Have dads help younger children make huge soap bubbles. Pour dish detergent and water into a small wading pool. Use hula hoops, coat hangers, and assorted kitchen utensils as wands. Kids will enjoy chasing and popping bubbles of all sizes.

Father’s Day Picnic Idea 3. Kickball Game

Set up a playing field and play kick ball! Have participants divide into teams. You could play kids versus grown-ups, or have kids and their grown-ups play on teams together. Have fun kicking and cheering together!

Father’s Day Picnic Idea 4. Giant Floats

Have each family make a giant root beer float in a large juice or water pitcher. Give each family member a straw; then blow a whistle and see which family can empty its pitcher first.

Looking for even more great ideas for Father’s Day? Check out all our Father’s Day posts. And for even more ideas and daily posts of inspiration, follow us on Facebook!

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