Father’s Day Craft for Elementary Kids: My Father’s Tie


Help kids remember the important role that our earthly father’s play in our lives with this Father’s Day Craft: My Father’s Tie.

Stuff you’ll need:

  • construction paper
  • scissors
  • a hole punch
  • yarn
  • markers

Father’s Day Craft for Elementary Kids: My Father’s Tie

Invite kids to make a creative Father’s Day card for their father, grandfather, or favorite adult male with these steps:

  1. Cut a tie shape from construction paper.
  2. Decorate your tie to look like the kind of tie your father wears. On the back, write a note to your father to wish him “Happy Father’s Day.”
  3. Punch two holes in the top of the tie.
  4. Thread a 15-inch piece of yarn through the two holes and tie the two ends together in a knot. Make sure the yarn is large enough to fit around a man’s head.

Talk Teasers

Say: In Exodus 20:12, God tells us to “honor your father.” Honor means to respect, listen to, and obey. Giving your father a special gift is one way to honor him.


  • What are some other ways you can honor your father on Father’s Day?
  • What’s one thing you’ll do for your father today to honor him?

Say: In Psalm 103:13, God says he’s like a father who’s kind to his children. Let’s wish God “Happy Father’s Day,” too, by thanking him for being our Heavenly Father. Then lead a prayer of thanks and invite kids to share reasons they’re thankful for God during the prayer.

Looking for even more great ideas for Father’s Day? Check out all our Father’s Day posts.

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