Family Christmastime Devotion: Three Gifts for Jesus


Use this family Christmas devotion to offer 3 gifts for Jesus to remember the gifts that the wise men gave him when he was just a baby.

Family Christmas Devotion: 3 Gifts for Jesus

Gift #1. Gold

Read Matthew 2:2. Then say: The wise men gave baby Jesus gold to show that he is a king. Find something fancy like a gold-colored picture frame or a fashionable piece of costume jewelry, and place it under your Christmas tree as you take turns naming things you love about Jesus.

Gift #2. Frankincense

Read Revelation 5:8. Then say: The wise men presented baby Jesus with frankincense, a spice used when people worshipped God. Set an unlit candle or another fragrant item under your tree, and take turns offering prayers as a gift to Jesus.

Gift #3. Myrrh

Read John 19:39-40. Then say: The wise men brought myrrh, an ointment people put on bodies that were going to be buried. Set out lotion or perfume as you thank Jesus show us God’s love for us when he died on the cross and came back to life again.


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