Published: January 29, 2024
Kids try not to “let down” their buddies in this hands-off, high-energy Valentine’s Day game.
Scripture: Psalm 36:5-9
You’ll need:
- Bible
- balloons (1 per person)
- permanent markers for older kids
- garbage bag
To avoid choking hazards, be sure to pick up pieces of any broken balloons promptly. Balloons may contain latex.
Valentine’s Day Game
Hand each child a balloon, and have kids inflate and tie off their balloons. Let each person draw a simple face on his or her balloon. Then gather the balloons into a garbage bag.
Have kids link arms to make a circle. Hold up one balloon, and say: In this game, we’ll see how long we can keep our friend here off the ground. If you let this balloon buddy touch the ground, we’ll have to start again.
Explain that kids can use their heads, knees, bodies, or feet to keep the balloon off the ground—but they can’t use their hands (since their arms are linked). Toss the balloon into the middle of the circle to start the game.
After 30 seconds, say: Let’s add a little more challenge. Add a second balloon and play again.
After another 30 seconds, say: Okay now I know you’re ready for a big challenge. Toss all the balloons in the middle of the circle and see if kids can keep them off the ground. Allow 60 chaotic seconds as kids try to keep the balloons off the ground.
Then collect the balloons, and ask:
- On a scale of 1 to 5—with 1 being lousy and 5 being perfect—how good were you at keeping our balloon buddies off the ground? Why did you rate yourself that way?
- What was hard about keeping the balloons in the air?
God’s Unfailing Love
Say: Sometimes in real life, people let us down. People might break promises or forget to do something. Find a partner, and tell about a time someone disappointed you or let you down. Allow a few minutes for kids to share.
Read aloud Psalm 36:5-9, and ask:
- What does “unfailing love” mean to you?
- How would you show someone else unfailing love?
- What is one example of God’s unfailing love in your life?
Say: In our game, we let the balloon people down—literally! But God’s love never fails; he never lets down! God holds each of us tenderly and lovingly in his arms always, no matter what. This Valentine’s Day, you can truly celebrate because you know God loves you!
Want more Valentine’s Day ideas? Check out these articles!
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