Don’t Forget to Keep the Volunteers You Have!


I have been writing about recruiting volunteers, but when you think about your volunteer needs, don’t forget to focus on keeping the volunteers you already have! You don’t want your Children’s Ministry to be a “revolving door” where people volunteer and as soon as their commitment is over, they are “gone”. If we are not keeping the volunteers we have, then we need to take a look at what we are doing to discover why this is happening and make some serious changes. 

Long-term volunteers bring a sense of stability and strength to your Children’s Ministry, if your volunteers are always leaving, it will be much more difficult for you to have this stability and strength in your ministry. So, what can you do to help keep your volunteers? Consider the following . . . 

  • Be intentional about training and equipping all your volunteers. Make training a regular part of your ministry year so you not only train your volunteers how to get the most out of the curriculum you use, but you also provide opportunities for your volunteers to get together and build their relationships.
  • Make sure you know your volunteers – find out their birthdays and anniversaries – send cards on these days and always take a moment to say “hello” when you see them.
  • Be sure you know what is happening with your volunteers – are they ill? Do they have something difficult happening in/or with their family? Be sure they know you want to serve them – to do this you have to know what is happening with them.
  • Take the time to surprise them once in awhile – just to brighten their day!
  • Be available to listen to their concerns, needs and joys in serving.
  • Answer their questions – promptly!


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