Deeper In for Children AND Anchored will Provide the Tools You Need to Equip Children with a Confident Faith!


Those who serve in Children’s Ministry do so because they want to help children learn what the Bible says and how they are able to know and walk with Jesus. Most churches tend to do an acceptable job of teaching children the Bible accounts, but do not always do a strong job of teaching children what difference it makes in their lives to know what the Bible says.  It is essential for children to learn what the Bible says AND learn what the difference is it makes in their lives to know these things. We must teach both.

AND, along with teaching the “whats” – what the Bible says and what the difference is it makes in their lives to know these things, we also must teach the “whys”. Barna’s studies show our older children, youth, and young adults are turning away from their faith to atheism at double the rate of any previous generation. Yes, at double the rate. We all know people who are struggling through the pain of having their children, grown children, grandchildren who once had a strong faith, now turn away from their faith. This does not have to continue to happen, but if we want it to stop, we MUST teach the “whys” – why we are able to believe.

Deeper In for Children provides the tools you need to teach children in your church and community both of the “whats” AND the “whys” because when you buy Deeper In for Children you also receive for free Anchored supplemental curriculum. Anchored provides the tools you need to teach the “whys”. With the tools you receive when you use Deeper In for Children in your ministry you will be able to equip children with a confident faith!

Deeper In for Children elementary curriculum will be available in a few days and the Deeper In for Children preschool/early elementary curriculum will be available a few weeks later. Please plan now to use Deeper In for Children with the children in your ministry. It will make a difference!

#handdownconfidentfaith #anchored #teachthewhys #DeeperInforChildren  #teachthewhats


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