Cultivate and Model a Heart of Thankfulness!


Every year in November we talk about and focus on Thanksgiving; for  good reason, but this year make the commitment to modeling and encouraging a heart of thankfulness all year long! Consider the following –How would it change the way your volunteers see serving if you were intentional about looking for opportunities to sincerely thank them every week? 

  • When you see a volunteer connecting with a child – thank them! 
  • When you see a volunteer making God’s Word understandable for a child – thank them! 
  • When you see a volunteer rushing in the church with their family so they are able to serve in a class – thank them!

How would it change the way the children in your ministry think about being thankful if you were intentional about looking for opportunities to thank them?

  • When you see children being kind to others – thank them!
  • When you see children listening and participating in class – thank them!
  • When you see children living God’s Word – thank them!

Talk about being thankful all year. Share, on a regular basis, the things for which you are thankful! Make time each week for volunteers and children to share what they are thankful for from their previous week. Make a Heart of Thankfulness the thing for which your church, volunteers, children and yourself are known!


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