Children’s Message: Cornucopia of Thanks


Use this children’s message: Cornucopia of Thanks in a big church setting or any class lesson.

Message Preparation

Theme: Thankfulness

Text: 1 Chronicles 16:8, 12

Put a number of items inside a cornucopia or basket that’ll help kids remember things they’re thankful for. You might have an apple, a toy car, a stuffed animal, a ring, a key, or a school paper.

Cornucopia of Thanks

Read the Scripture.

Say: God told the people of Israel to remember his works. That’s a great thing for us to do every day and especially at Thanksgiving. Show the kids your cornucopia.

Say: This is a traditional basket. Just by looking at it, I’m reminded of Thanksgiving. Inside are some items that might remind you of some things to thank God for. For example, when I pull out this apple, you might think of all the good food God has provided for you. Or you might thank God for good health. When I show you something from the cornucopia, get ready to tell how it reminds you of some way that God has blessed you. After each item, we’ll all say “Thank you, God.”

Pull several items out of your cornucopia and allow for children to respond.


  • Are you surprised at some of the things you remembered?
  • Why do you think it’s important to remember what God has done?

Allow several responses to your questions and then close in prayer.

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