Published: January 31, 2024
In this children’s Easter message, kids hear the Easter story, think about how Jesus frees us from sin, and pray together.
Scripture: John 20:1-10
- Bible
- a small ball
- 1 stone for each child
- permanent markers
Children’s Easter Message
Have children sit in a circle. Open your Bible to John 20:1-10. Show children the words and tell them the Bible is God’s special book. Read verse 1 aloud. Then hold up the ball.
Say: This ball represents the tombstone that was rolled away from Jesus’ tomb. As I continue reading, I’ll pause after each verse. Then I’ll roll the “stone” to one of you and have you retell me in your own words what the verse says or means to you. Ready?
Read verse 2 and then pause and roll the ball to a child in the circle. After the child has shared what verse 2 means, have the child roll the ball back to you. Then continue reading each verse and pausing until you’ve finished the passage.
Give each child a small stone and a permanent marker. Ask children to take a moment to silently roll the stone around in their hands as they reflect on what the stone being rolled away at Jesus’ tomb means to them. Then encourage kids to write a word or draw a simple picture on the stone as a reminder of what they thought about.
- Explain what you drew or wrote on your stone.
- Why does it matter to you that the stone was rolled away?
- How will you live differently this week knowing that Jesus is alive?
Say: The stone being rolled away means that Jesus beat death and defeated sin. We can know for sure that Jesus forgives our sin and has made a way for us to be God’s friends forever.
Closing Prayer
Ask kids to spread out around the room and get on their hands and knees. As you pray out lead, encourage kids to gently roll their stones.
Say: Dear God, without Jesus dying and coming back to life, we would have no hope. Thank you for sending your Son to free us from sin. Help us to live each day focused on the gift of eternal life you offer each of us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
This children’s Easter message comes from Group’s The Giant Book of Children’s Messages. In this book, you’ll find more than 100 children’s messages for various topics and age levels to help kids think more deeply about God’s Word. For even more Easter ideas, check out these posts!
© Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted.
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