This creation snack mix is a fun and tasty snack that serves as a delicious way to teach kids about God’s creation. Have kids follow along as you read in Genesis 1. When you read about something God created, add in the snack representation. Once you’ve reached day seven, mix it all together and enjoy!
You’ll need:
- small cups/bowls (1 per child)
- mini Oreos
- Frosted Mini-Wheats
- raisins
- M&M’s
- pretzel sticks
- Goldfish crackers
- animal crackers
- mini marshmallows
Bible Snack: Creation Snack Mix
Day 1: God created the light and dark (mini Oreo cookies).
Day 2: God separated the water on the top from the water on the bottom. The top was sky, and the bottom was ground (Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal for the clouds and the ground).
Day 3: God made the green grass, the trees, and the flowers (green M&M’s candies, stick pretzels, and red M&M’s candies). God also made the fruit and the berries (raisins and blue M&M’s candies).
Day 4: God created the sun and the moon and the stars (orange M&M’s candies and yellow M&M’s candies).
Day 5: God made the birds. And he also made fish (Goldfish crackers).
Day 6: God made man and woman. He also made all the animals that walk on the ground (animal crackers).
Day 7: God rested on the seventh day (marshmallow “pillows”). God blessed the seventh day and made it holy.
God looked at everything he made and said, “That looks good!”
Kym Wood
Ceres, California
For more great snack ideas, check out Big, Big God: 13 Amazing Lessons Where Preschoolers Experience God
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