Be Thankful! Let Your Life Show Thankfulness!


Last week I wrote about being thankful; I said, “being thankful is more  than just something we think about in November; it should characterize our lives every day!” I also said I was going to share some of the things I’m thankful for, so . . . while I could write all day about this, I’m going to share just a few of the many blessings for which I am thankful . . . 

  • While it may sound “predictable, I am so extremely thankful for God’s love and faithfulness! He loves me faithfully; His love never ends! 
  • I am able to know and love God back!
  • God is far bigger than I think and is able to do so very, very much more than I can even imagine!
  • God’s Word – I am able to read, study and enjoy God’s Word and since I live in the USA I can do this without fear.
  • God has blessed me with an amazing family; I love my husband, children, daughter-in-law, grandsons, and extended family. My family is a gift from God for which I am thankful!
  • Friends! For years I was part of a church where people just “took” and did not give back. Now I have real friends and I am thankful!
  • Ministry! What a gift from God! I LOVE children’s ministry! I LOVE being able to thank and encourage others! I LOVE being able to write! God has gifted me with opportunities to serve and I am so thankful!

Well, these are just a few of the many blessings from the hand of God for which I am thankful. Why did I take the time to share these things with you today? I believe we need to regularly take the time to list and thank God for His many blessings. If we do not, we fail to be thankful people; and God tells us to be thankful for everything! If we want the children in our ministries to grow to be thankful people, then this is something we need to model for them. We do this by keeping front and center the many blessings from God; big and small, for which we are thankful.

What are you thankful for? Take time today to write down some of the many blessings from God; big and small, which He has given you and then thank Him for them. Share those blessings with others and commit to be a person whose life is characterized by thankfulness!


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