PFK Reporter

How Does Social Interaction Correlate with the Rate of Life Expectancy?
[ad_1] “Marriage is a byproduct of our relationship with Jesus, and at the same time, the way we parent is foundational to understanding what it means to have a relationship with God.” Dr. Dewey Wilson Dewey Wilson, Ph.D., is the...
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Psalm 131 — Only Truthful Hearts — Reading the Psalms
[ad_1] A Song of Ascents; of David.1 LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty;Neither do I exercise myself in great matters,Or in things too wonderful for me.2 Surely I have stilled and quieted my soul;Like a weaned...
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His LAST MESSAGE Of Faith In Christ Before Being Assassinated Will Amaze You!
Servant of God Shahbaz Bhatti served as Pakistan's Federal Minister of Minorities Affairs from 2008 to 2011. He advocated for four member seats for religious minority candidates in Pakistan's senate and spoke out against religious persecution, especially the misuse of...
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Anxiety in Children’s Ministry…How to Deal With It ~ RELEVANT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
[ad_1] You look down the hallway and see 2 classrooms without teachers because they called out this morning....anxiety.VBS starts in 2 weeks and you still need 3 teachers...anxiety.One of your best teachers resigned yesterday...anxiety.You are working on your day off...anxiety....
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Top 13 LDS Kids Videos With A Powerful Message
[ad_1] We live in a world where technology is a must. Even in schools, children use technology, and most jobs require at least a basic knowledge of how to use computers, etc. This can be hard for parents who wish...
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Insightful Tips to Help Engage Children in Spiritual, Meaningful Conversations
[ad_1] Did you know that we are hardwired for spirituality? In a previous episode, we learned from Dr. Lisa Miller that 21% of our DNA is spiritual. This means we are hardwired for spirituality! We should know the best ways...
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Deeper In for Children is a Great Fit for Your Church Because . . .
[ad_1]  Why is Deeper In for Children an excellent choice for your Children's Ministry? There are several reasons why, but one is certainly because of its focus on helping children truly understand the message of God's Word. Most curriculum resources tend to...
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13 Comforting Rainbow Baby Bible Quotes
[ad_1] Having a baby is a blessing from God that you just can’t explain. The joy you get from bearing a child is truly indescribable. Sometimes, having a baby comes easily to people. And other times, it comes after a...
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Programs to Help Pass Down the Christian Faith in the Home!
[ad_1] “We want kids to know that their home is a warm place, a fun place, a fair place, a safe place; we want to free families up to have fun with the Bible.” -Frank Trimble Frank Trimble serves as the...
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