Are We Actually Unthankful Children?


Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, so many of us are thinking about all the people and things for which we are thankful. This is a good thing to do, but is it something we typically only do during the month of November? Oh, we likely say, “Thank You”, to God in our prayers on a regular basis, but is this anything more than just words we say without really thinking about them as we move on to asking God for more things?Don’t get me wrong; yes, we can, and should, ask God for things. He tells us throughout Scripture to bring our requests to Him. But, do we really spend anywhere near as much time genuinely thanking God as we do asking Him for things? Do we sound like unthankful children who always ask for more and who do not really stop to genuinely express our thanks?

God has showered His love, mercy, grace and goodness upon us; we have so much to thank Him for! I thank God for . . . 

  • His mercy, grace and love!
  • The amazing husband He has given me!
  • The children (and daughter-in-law) with whom He has blessed us!
  • The grandchildren He has given who fill my heart with joy!
  • My extended family.
  • An amazing church we can be part of!
  • Friends at church!
  • A home.
  • The way He meets all our needs – and even gives us extra!
  • The opportunity to serve Him!
  • The amazing volunteers who He has given to my church.

The list goes on and on! I also thank God for the MS and Lupus. Yes, even these as they have given me the opportunity to see God and know Him in ways I might not otherwise have been able to do.

How might our lives change if we are genuinely thankful people? How might our ministries change if we are people who focus on all we have to be thankful for and are serious about expressing our thanks to God? Yes, there are times in our lives and ministries when things are difficult, but how might those times be different if we continue to be thankful and focus on thanking God?

Let’s be people who are serious about being thankful! Let’s regularly express our thanks to God! For what are you thankful?


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