Apologetics 101 with Natasha Crain: Equipping Christian Parents in a Secular World (Part 1)


As parents, we must be proactive in understanding questions about Christianity and other worldviews to be prepared to answer these complex questions from our children.

Natasha Crain is a national speaker, author of four books, blogger, and podcaster who is passionate about equipping Christians to think more clearly about holding to a biblical worldview amid an increasingly challenging secular culture. She has been featured on radio and TV shows across the U.S. and Canada.

Key Takeaways:

  • Natasha discusses her passion for helping parents understand difficult questions to prepare their children proactively.
  • She highlights & details a few tips from her book on how parents can have deeper faith conversations with their kids:
    • Equip yourself first, be proactive in understanding these questions beforehand & ask your children questions about faith, get your kids to ask you questions too by having a “questions” night, and teach your kids about other worldviews, not just a biblical worldview.
  • The misleading view on how skeptics and Christians use the terminology “proving” and “disproving” too loosely regarding science and God.

Natasha’s books: Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side (2016), Talking with Your Kids about God (2017),Talking with Your Kids about Jesus (2020), & Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture(2022)

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