Anchored Will Help You Teach Why the Word is Trustworthy


Churches, parents, and grandparents teach the “whats” – what the Bible says and therefore what we believe. They do this for solid reasons, they also need to teach the children they love the “whys” – why we are able to believe what we believe. Anchored is a supplemental curriculum designed to be used alongside whatever curriculum a church is currently using to teach the “whys” and equip parents and grandparents to do the same at home. But why do we need to teach the “whys” . . . shouldn’t we just be able to believe without knowing “whys”? Consider the following . . . 

Titus 1:9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.

This verse is talking about qualifications for pastors – certainly pastors must know the “whys”, but we learn from pastors and few of them ever talk about the “whys”. All believers should know the “whys” – not just pastors – just as all believers should know the “whats”.

We are able to help the children in our ministries grow up so they are able to “hold firmly to the trustworthy Word” as they have been taught – but for this to happen, we must teach it. When we do, they will know the doctrine they have been taught is sound and will be able to stand firmly with a confident faith!

Check out Anchored. It provides the tools you need to teach the “whys” to the children in your ministry and will equip parents and grandparents to teach the “whys” at home as well! You will find samples at this link and are able to order it in the bookstore at this link.

#handdownconfidentfaith #anchored #teachthewhys


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