Dear Children’s Ministry Leaders,
The church consists of many different ministries. All are vitally important. I want to share with you why I believe children’s ministry is one of the most vital. Check out these 10 reasons to prioritize kidmin at your church:
10 Reasons Children’s Ministry Is Key
1. Children’s ministry was a priority for Jesus.
The disciples didn’t think it should be, but Jesus did. He made time to minister to children.
2. Children are the greatest mission field.
Stats show that 85% of people who come to Christ do so before age 18. We must invest our time and resources where we’ll see the biggest harvest.
3. Children’s ministry can be a major growth engine for your church.
When you reach children, you reach parents. We can have the greatest worship and messages, but if the children aren’t connecting, mom and dad won’t stick around for long. People stand in line for hours waiting for their kids to see Santa for a reason.
4. One of the best investments you can make for your church is a great children’s facility.
It will pay for itself many times over by the families it brings.
5. Children’s ministry is not child-care.
It is ministry at the most critical time in a person’s life. The early years are the most formative.
6. Staff your children’s ministry well.
Children’s ministry has no “slow” time. Summer is our busiest time, and we go from that right into the fall. A good ratio is one full-time person for every 100 to 125 kids. Your kidmin staff is one of your most valuable partners in ministry. Take good care of them.
7. If your kidmin space is at capacity, your church will stop growing.
It doesn’t matter how much space you have in the auditorium. A full children’s ministry space is a lid for the entire church.
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