About the Children’s Department: Help the Grandparents


How are you supporting, encouraging, and equipping grandparents now we have a bit of distance from the shut-downs brought by covid? Most churches are offering Children’s Ministry opportunities, but many grandparents find it difficult to get their grands to return, so what are you doing to support them? I’m asking because if you have grandparents in your church who are the only ones who are handing confident faith to their grandchildren and who are the ones who bring their grandchildren to your church, it is very possible their grandchildren do not want to return to church and they have fewer opportunities to connect and hand down confident faith. They need your help, because while time and distance may make the heart grow fonder, it is also able to cause a break which may leave the children feeling less attached to your church. If this happens, the grandparents may be feeling even more alone when it comes to handing down confident faith.If you have not been in touch with the grandparents – make it a priority to do so this week. Encourage them. Pray with them. Let them know you are praying for them. Ask how their grandchildren are doing. Ask how their grown children are doing. Ask how they are doing.

And provide resources. Give them ideas for ways they are able to connect with their grandchildren – through distance if necessary – to continue to hand down confident faith. Consider using some of these ideas . . .

These are just a few ideas for ways you are able to equip the grandparents in your church to connect with and hand down confident faith to their grandchildren.


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