Be Encouraged; God Sees!
Children’s Ministry can be one of the most joy-filled places in the church where anyone can serve! Having the opportunity to see God through the eyes of children; the wonder and awe children have which give us a bigger “view” of Him! The blessing of having a part in leading children to Jesus and watching them grow in their faith! Yes, there is a lot of joy in serving in Children’s Ministry!Unfortunately, there can also be a lot of hurt, pain, and disappointment as well. It is easy for Children’s Ministry to become a place in the church where everyone thinks they know what to do and where people do not always show their most grace-filled self in their interactions with others. Leaders make promises which they do not keep and church politics tend to show its ugly self.
I believe there is a reason for this; Satan does not want children to trust Jesus and grow in their walk with Him and he does not want volunteers to serve with the gifts God has given them and experience the joy which comes with serving. Do not think for one moment there is not serious spiritual warfare going on in Children’s Ministries; there is.
Sunday I read a verse in Hebrews which I want to share with you today – Hebrews 6:10 “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” I find this verse so encouraging. God does see and He does remember. When leaders disappoint and hurt; God sees and He remembers! When church politics harm; God sees and He remembers! When people take advantage; God sees and He remembers! When it seems like what you do is not valued; God sees and He remembers!
I hope this verse encourages you as much as it encourages me!

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