Valentine’s Day Devotion for Elementary Kids: Love Letters


Kids dig into God’s sweet love for them and offer their love in return in this Valentine’s Day devotion.

Scripture: 1 John 4:7-12

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • large bowl
  • individually wrapped candies
  • paper
  • pens

Valentine’s Day Devotion

Have kids wash their hands.

Say: Valentine’s Day is a day when we tell others how much we love and appreciate them. We might do this by sending our friends cards, giving people candy, or telling others how we feel about them. Let’s see what the Bible says about loving others.

Have kids form a circle. Pour the candies into a large bowl and place it in the center of the circle. Explain to kids that every time they hear the word love in the passage, each child can take one piece of candy from the bowl. But every time they hear the word not, everyone has to put one piece of candy back in the bowl.

Read aloud 1 John 4:7-12, pausing to allow kids time to take candy or put it back in the bowl. When you’re done reading the passage, each child should have 10 candies.


  • Put one piece of candy back, and tell about a time you needed God’s love.
  • Eat one of your candies, and tell how God has shown his love for you.
  • What do these verses teach us about real love?

Writing Love Letters

Say: This Valentine’s Day, let’s practice loving God and loving others! God shows us his love in so many ways. Today, let’s create a Valentine’s Day card to tell God how we feel about him.

Give each child a pen and a sheet of paper. Encourage kids to fold the paper in half to create a card. Then have kids write a love letter to God while finding a creative way to include their candies into the letter.

Once kids have each completed a love letter, encourage them to read theirs aloud to the group. Then have everyone enjoy the candy as you discuss the following question.


  • What are some ways you can show your love for God this week?

Say: This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate God’s love by remembering what he’s done for us and by loving those around us.

Share God’s love with kids each and every week. Simply Loved Sunday school can help! Download free samples and find out more here

Want more Valentine’s Day ideas like this? Check out these articles!

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