What Are You Doing About It?


I have written a fair amount about Barna’s study which shows Gen Z is turning away from their faith to atheism at double the rate of any previous generation – and Barna expects it to be triple the rate by 2030 – just over six years away. You are likely seeing this in your church as older children, teens, young adults, and young families stop coming to church. You are likely hearing it from some grandparents – but not all as there is a large sense of shame and failure a grandparent experiences when their grown children/ grandchildren turn away from the faith. So, what are you doing about this?

Are you, “ignoring the problem” and hoping it will change on its own? Are you sticking with what you are doing because you are comfortable with what you are doing and you think what you are doing is “great”? 

Or, are you seriously evaluating what you are doing and where you are able to make important changes which will truly make a difference? So, how do you do this? What should you be seriously evaluating? What important changes are you able to make? Consider the following . . .

These are just a few things for you to begin to consider. Please know, the children who have turned away from their faith, or whose parents have turned away from their faith, do matter. Does your Children’s Ministry actually act as if you believe this?


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